©Copyright πίστις 2013
Babies are so cool…little bundles of cuteness, a new life created by God. Their needs are really pretty simple if at times very overwhelming! They want to be fed, held and loved. When they do not feel good…they look to us as the parent to fix it, make the problem go away.
So what do we as adults have in common with babies? Lots and at the same time little. Let me explain…
Babies all have one characteristic in common; they are completely helpless. Anything babies’ need is provided for them by the parents.
We all began life as this helpless little new life dependent on someone to take care of us; if someone did not fulfill the responsibility of taking care of us as babies…we would have surely perished. Then we grow up and outgrow this need…or do we?
Soon before you know it that baby is a toddler, and then in a blink of an eye they are the willful teenager…and right around the corner they morph into the young man or woman that knows it all while you the parent are an idiot that knows nothing. Not all kids are like this, but many are to some degree.
We live our lives, we learn our lessons in school, and we gain life experience. At some point we live on our own and manage our own lives. We are adults and can make our own decisions and take care of ourselves now right?
I would submit to you that this is an illusion. Don’t feel bad…we have all participated in this illusion and many still are. NO one is self sufficient…many think they are but it is not so. This is another lie fostered by Satan himself. If you truly believe you are self sufficient, then you have no need of God do you?
As I said before babies are born helpless. As a matter of fact, we are all helpless in a way and it does not end because we can manage our own household.
You see my friends…we are all born dead. Yes dead! We are born spiritually dead, separated from God. During the course of our lives we have opportunity to reverse this “spiritual deadness”. We are helpless to do this however without the help of our Creator…God.
You may very well get through life just fine without God…but what are you going to do when your physical body dies and your eternal soul stands before Christ? When Christ says to you why should I let you into my heaven…what are you going to say? You were a good person? Sorry…that does not count. There is only one correct answer to that question; I trust in Jesus.
As a baby is utterly helpless to take care of itself, we are utterly helpless to bring our eternal spirit to life without Christ. We are all born spiritually dead, the only way that condition changes is by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Why are we born spiritually dead? We all sin, sin is death and it only takes one. Not death of the body as we all will die unless Christ comes back first but that is another topic altogether. We are speaking of the death of your spirit. Let me make this as simple as possible. We all have a soul and spirit. Our soul is what makes us who we are; gives life to the otherwise inanimate body. Our spirit connects us to God. When we are born, the soul is alive so to speak, but the spirit is not as our spirit is not yet connected to God. If you die without connecting your spirit to God…well you will be separated from God forever and your spirit will die forever. However…your soul on the other hand will live on eternally…in hell. Yes that is right, your soul will life forever tormented in hell…Bibles words not mine.
The thing is loved ones…it does NOT have to be this way! Jesus Christ regardless of what you do or do not think of Him came here to save you! Jesus died on the cross so that you may go to Him, ask for forgiveness of your sins, change your life to live for Him and receive eternal life in heaven…your spirit alive and your body perfectly restored better than it was in life. What does not sound good about that?
Either you accept Christ and live forever with Him; no more pain either physical or emotional, no more death, no more anything bad ever! Or…you refuse Christ and you will suffer for that decision forever in hell. God sends no one to hell…you choose that eternal destination for your self at the same time you willingly choose to refuse the One who created you Lordship over your life.
You can refuse Christ now and party down and do anything you want to, but you WILL pay for that decision!! Please realize that your decisions now will affect you in eternity.
Christ is soon to return to this earth. Time is short…the need to accept Him as Lord and Savior is now, not tomorrow. You may not have a tomorrow.
Watch this video on our YouTube channel about how quickly one can be here today and gone tomorrow. WARNING…this video is VERY graphic. You will see people actually die.
To accept Christ simply pray to Him. Ask Him into your heart and confess all sins to Him. Believe that the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross was enough to pay for your sins. Place your trust in Jesus for your eternal life not yourself. Believe that Christ rose from the dead and lives even now with the Father in heaven.
Welcome to the family of God!
God bless you all
Related articles
- What do Babies, Jesus, and Your Death (or not) Have in Common? (vineoflifenews.com)
- What or Who are YOU Living FOR? (vineoflifenews.com)
- So Your Life Is Falling Apart (inspirationalchristiansfortoday.com)
- Luke 19:10 NKJV – He came for you and for me (pagprayer.wordpress.com)
About the author: Greg is a strong believer in Jesus Christ and is also a political analyst, author, and is the Editor-in-Chief for the National War Council. By day he is a self-employed non-emergency medical transport driver, as well as being an author and blogger. His articles are first published on Inspirational Christian Blogs, and I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ! His articles have been widely published on many well-known conservative websites. If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so leaving all links intact and crediting the author and the website that the article appeared on.
Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church
Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."