Thy Kingdom Come, part IV

The Kingdom of God, the True Gospel:

 “But He said to them, ‘I must preach the Kingdom of God…I was sent for this purpose (Luke 4:43, NAS).”

“Soon afterwards, He began…proclaiming and preaching the Kingdom of God (Luke 8:1, 10, NAS).”

“And He said to them, ‘When you pray, say: “Father, hallowed be Your name, Your Kingdom come (Luke 11:2, KJV).”’”

“After they had preached the gospel…and saying, ‘Through many tribulations we must enter the Kingdom of God (Acts 14:21-22, NAS).’”

“And he entered the synagogue and continued speaking out boldly for three months, reasoning and persuading them about the Kingdom of God (Acts 19:8, NAS).”


These and a multitude of others reveal without question that the True Gospel of Christ is simply The Kingdom of God. So why is it, do you think, that the majority of churches seem to preach every other aspect of the Kingdom but not the Kingdom itself? It perplexes me. I grew up hearing about salvation, which is right, and about faith, which is right, and about love, which is right, and about the cross, which is right, and among other things, how to be “used of God,” which is incorrect.

To clarify, nowhere in the Word of God do we see or hear of someone being “used,” but that’s another lesson! When we only hear of this or that, manifestations of the Kingdom of God, we come up dry, empty, and with lots, and lots of questions…at least I did. After having been saved at the age of six, by the time I was eighteen, I was certain I was mature in the Lord. Of course, you immediately recognize how preposterous that is, but I genuinely though that because I’d been saved from hell and in church and getting people saved that somehow I was mature. What a foolish girl I was, indeed! But, I was that way because no one around me seemed any more mature in Christ than I. That isn’t bragging on me; that’s revealing of how immature in the Word most around me were. Shame on us all!

However, once we begin to seek and find the Kingdom of God, we begin to see everything – the cross, obedience, salvation, healing, spiritual gifts, the Old Testament, the New Testament, etc. – in a whole new light. It is spectacular, to say the very least! From Genesis to Revelation, it’s all about a King, His Kingdom, and His enemy, Lucifer, who tried to make God’s Kingdom his own. It’s all about having the Holy King’s Kingdom reign here on Earth through mankind. Love and all that God is begins to make sense. Obedience then has meaning. Humility has meaning. Forgiveness has meaning. Everything in the Word begins to unfold like a blossom in bloom.

Understanding the King and His Kingdom, gaining supernatural knowledge of the Kingdom, and walking in the fear of One so magnificent as He ushers the very wisdom we need so as to bring God’s Kingdom down to Earth. It allows us to reign and rule in the Earth as Adam once did. It allows us to stop all this nonsensical sinning with the attitude, “God will forgive me. God is love.” We’ll begin to have understanding that it isn’t a matter of forgiveness or love since Christ already forgave all of mankind’s sin through one act of selfless love, but its about bringing God’s Kingdom to Earth which, of course, it allows us to walk in peace through any storm; to have faith when all looks impossible! Knowledge, understanding and vision through the King opens every door God wants opened to His people, and breaks down every barrier we struggle in the flesh to beat down.

No longer will we flounder in frustration of wanting to be “used of God” or aggravated that we don’t have the money to go into the nations bringing the gospel. Nay, we will be in the mode of rest at all times knowing that God wants His Kingdom Word to go out far more than we ever could. This internal roller coaster stress of “being used” or not ends as it is a depiction of something being used up and discarded at God’s leisure. We’ll finally understand that we are one new entity in Christ; we are bound in God and God is bound in us. In this, there will be a constant flow of Holy Spirit instead of fearing God will be so disappointed in us that He’ll discard us.

No more worries! The Kingdom of God is the Gospel of Christ and the Kingdom of God is in every follower of Jesus, therefore the Gospel can’t help but burst forth from His people! Get to know the King, get to know His Kingdom, then follow His lead. Anything of the Bible taught separate from the Kingdom of God is remiss.

Stay tuned for the next post on “Thy Kingdom Come.” If you’re interested in reading more, please go to my website or to order my books.
Peace and blessings,
Alexys V. Wolf


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1 reply

  1. Wonderful words and it is so true.

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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