“Those who have put in place defense mechanism have lived in darkness in some ways. For to close your heart, mind, and soul not only defends against hurt but also closes doors to love.
He who is on high did not create “zombies.” He who loves you greatly created a being for love. His love, and the love of others.
Those who have tread deep waters of pain do just that. For to tread water is to stand still, head barely above the surface, while the body is buried.
The body is also He who is the Almighty ones, for you represent He who shed His blood. The Almighty did not create a body, mind, and soul to have it stand in mud or water.
He who is on high wishes your defenses to be cut loose. He who loves you wishes walls to topple and His Spirit within to be set free.
For defenses capture all that He is, and imprisons Him within. Never to freely love or laugh is your prison of defense.”
Given by the Holy Spirit – Aug. 1997
Sue is a Follower of Jesus Christ and the CEO of Elah Ministries, Inc. A 501c3 offering hope, healing, and deliverance through her ministering to hurting souls, her published books, short stories, blogs, Facebook, and website. She loves playing in the dirt and feeding seagulls on the beach along with a good book in hand is her favorite.
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